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Teaching Experience
Virginia Tech
2013 - present
  • Various guest lectures: Landscape Ecology, Vertebrate Dispersal seminar

University of Maryland


  • ​Teaching assistant: Biogeography (2008)

  • Teaching assistant: Biology for Non-Science Majors (2005)

  • Curriculum development: Project Cycle Management for Conservation Practitioners (2005; currently taught as a  graduate-level course at UMD)


Franklin and Marshall College


  • ​Teaching assistant: Environmental Resources and GIS (2004)

  • Teaching assistant: Chemistry I (2002)



Professional Courses and Workshops


  • ​Co-Instructor: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (2005); for the Conservation Breeding Specialist Group

  • Co-Instructor: Geographic Information Systems for Wildlife Managers (2005); Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

Fellowships and Awards
  • 2014                 US Geological Survey Mendenhall Fellowship

  • 2010                Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship, University of Maryland  ($10,800)

  • 2010                Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant, University of Maryland ($500)

  • 2010                NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Award ($700)

  • 2008                Exploration and Field Research Grant, The Explorer’s Club Washington Group ($1700)

  • 2008                Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, University of Maryland

  • 2007                Graduate research fellowship, Smithsonian Institution ($5,500)

  • 2006                Organization for Tropical Studies study abroad grant, University of Maryland ($6,400)

  • 2005                Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant, University of Maryland ($500)

  • 2003                Student Travel Award, Franklin and Marshall College ($500)

  • 2003                Mayaud Summer Research Award, Franklin and Marshall College (10 weeks; $3,200)

  • 2003                Bonchek Fellowship, Franklin and Marshall College (10 weeks; $3,200)

  • 2003                Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society

  • 2002                Hackman Fellowship, Franklin and Marshall College (10 weeks; $3,200)

  • 2002                Skull and Crown Sophomore Honor Society

  • 2001                Hackman Fellowship, Franklin and Marshall College (10 weeks; $3,200)

  • 2000                John Marshall Fellowship, Franklin and Marshall College (4 years; $33,000)

  • Zeigler SL, ER Thieler, BT Gutierrez, NG Plant, M Hines, J Fraser, DH Catlin, SM Karpanty. In review. Smartphone technologies and Bayesian networks to assess shorebird habitat selection. Wildlife Society Bulletin.

  • Zeigler SL, DH Catlin, M Bomberger-Brown, JD Fraser, L Dinan, K Hunt, JG Jorgensen, and SM Karpanty. In press. Effects of climate change and anthropogenic modification on a disturbance-dependent species in a large riverine system. Ecosphere.

  • Thieler ER, LA Winslow, MK Hines, JS Read, JI Walker, SL Zeigler. In press. Leveraging low-cost mobile platforms for large-scale shorebird science: application to biogeomorphic attribute classification of Charadrius melodus nest sites. PLoS ONE

  • Catlin DH, M Bomberger-Brown, L Dinan, JD Fraser, KL Hunt, J Jorgensen, and SL Zeigler. 2016. Metapopulation viability of an endangered shorebird depends on man-made habitats: piping plovers and prairie rivers. Movement Ecology. 4(6): 1-15.

  • Zeigler SL and JR Walters. In Press. Population models for social species:  lesson learned from models of red-cockaded woodpeckers (Picoides borealis). Ecological Applications.

  • Zeigler SL and WF Fagan. 2014. Transient windows for connectivity. Movement Ecology. 2(1): 1-10.

  • Lacy, RC, PS Miller, PJ Nyhus, JP Pollak, BE Raboy, SL Zeigler. 2013 Metamodels for transdisciplinary analysis of wildlife population dynamics. PLOS ONE. 8(12): e84211.

  • Zeigler SL, JP Che-Castaldo, MC Neel. 2013. Actual and potential use of population viability analysis in recovery of plant species listed under the US Endangered Species Act. Conservation Biology. 27(6) 1265-1278.

  • Zeigler SL, B Raboy, and K De Vleeschouwer.  2013. Assessing extinction risk in small metapopulations of golden-headed lion tamarins (Leontopithecus   chrysomelas) in Bahia, Brazil.  Biotropica. 45(4): 528-534.

  • Zeigler SL. 2013. Predicting responses to climate change require all life-history stages. Journal of Animal Ecology (invited In Focus article). 82 (1): 3-5.

  • Zeigler SL. 2012. Identifying and prioritizing forest patches key for the survival of the golden-headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas). Neotropical Primates. 19 (1): 28-33.

  • Raboy, BE, KM De Vleeschouwer, and SL Zeigler. 2012. Using functional connectivity and flow models to prioritize areas for reforestation in severly fragmented regions of the golden-headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas). American Journal of Primatology. 74: 34-34.

  • Raboy, BE, LG Neves, SL Zeigler, and LC Oliveira. 2011. Occurrences of Leontopithecus chrysomelas above 500 meters in southern Bahia, Brazil and implications for conservation planning. Primate Conservation.  26: 1-7.

  • De Vleeschouwer, K, L Oliveira, B Raboy, N Raghunathan, and SL Zeigler. 2011. Golden-headed lion tamarin research in the 21st century: Recent advances and potential areas of future research. Neotropical Primates. 18 (2): 72-76.

  • Zeigler SL, MC Neel, L Oliveira, BE Raboy, and WF Fagan. 2011.  How conspecific and heterospecific attraction affect functional connectivity. Biodiversity and Conservation.  20 (12): 2779-2796.

  • Zeigler SL, WF Fagan, R Defries, and B Raboy.  2010. Identifying important forest patches for the long-term persistence of the endangered golden-headed lion tamarin. Tropical Conservation Science. 3(1): 63-77.

  • Lynch, H, SL Zeigler, L Wells, JD Ballou, and WF Fagan.  2010. Drivers of survivorship shape and its use in the estimation of maximum population growth rates.  Ecological Applications. 20(8): 2334-2345.

  • Raboy, BL Neves, SL Zeigler, N Saraiva, N Cardoso, G Santos, J Ballou, and P Leimgruber. 2010. Strength of habitat and landscape metrics in predicting golden-headed lion tamarin presence or absence in forest patches. Biotropica. 40(3):  388-397.

Invited Seminars and Talks
  • Highland County Bird Club (2014)

  • University of Toronto, Department of Biology (2013)

  • Virginia Tech, Department of Fish and WIldlife Conservation (2013)

  • Virginia Tech, Department of Biological Sciences (2011)

  • Exlporer's Club of Washington DC, invited speaker for the annual dinner (2009)

Select Conferences and Meetings


  • 2014. Zeigler, SL, DH Catlin, KL Hunt, LR Dinan, M Bomberger-Brown, JG Jorgensen, MJ Friedrich, JD Fraser, KL Davis, and SM Karpanty. Stable sources in unstable environments - Are source habitats consistently important for a piping plover (Charadrius melodus) metapopulation in a dynamic landscape? Paper presented at the 38th annual meeting of the Waterbird Society, November 5th-7th, La Paz, Mexico.

  • 2013. Lacy, R, P Miller, P Nyhus, JP Pollak, B Raboy, and S Zeigler. Metamodels: Connecting   models and people for inclusive, integrated, transdisciplinary analysis of populations facing multiple threats. Talk presented at the 26th International Congress for Conservation Biology, 21-25 July 2013, Baltimore MD.

  • 2013. Zeigler, S, J Walters, R Mitchell, JK Hiers. A novel linked landscape demographic model to connect systems, disciplines, and stakeholders fo the conservation of red-cockaded woodpeckers. Poster presented at the 26th International Congress for Conservation Biology, 21-25 July 2013, Baltimore MD.

  • 2010. Zeigler, S, WF Fagan, R DeFries, BE Raboy. 2010. Identifying important forest patches for the long-term persistence of the endangered golden-headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas).  Poster presented at the 2010 Association of American Geographers annual meeting, 14-18 April 2010, Washington, DC.

  • 2010. Zeigler, S, M Neel, L Oliviera, B Raboy, and W Fagan. 2010. Conspecific and heterospecific attraction in the assessment of functional connectivity. Poster presented at the 2010 US-IALE annual meeting, 5-9 April 2010, Athens, Georgia.

Conservation Leadership


  • 2013. Yellow-tailed wooly monkey conservation workshop (hosted by Rare, facilitated by CBSG; Moyobama, Peru)

  • 2012. Western pond turtle conservation workshop (hosted by Woodland Park Zoo, facilitated by CBSG; Olympia, WA)

  • 2012. Jaguar Recovery Team Meeting (hosted by USFWS, facilitated by CBSG; Tucson, AZ)

  • 2011. Co-chaired symposium titled:  “Golden Head Lion Tamarin Research in the 21st Century:  Recent Advances and Potential Areas of Future Research”. 7-8 December 2011, Ilheus, Brazil.

Professional Affiliations and Service
  •  Member, Conservation Breeding Specialist Group (CBSG); IUCN

  • Member, International Association for Landscape Ecology

  • Member, Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation

  • Member, Society for Conservation Biology

  • Reviewer, Forest Ecology and Management, Landscape Ecology, Florida Field Naturalist

USGS Mendenhall Fellow
2014 - present

Supervisors: Drs. E. Robert Thieler and Nathaniel Plant (USGS), Sarah Karpanty (Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, Virginia Tech). Using linked Bayesian networks to understand the effects of sea-level rise and changes to the frequency/intensity of coastal storms on piping plover nesting habitat suitability.

Postdoctoral Research Associate
2011 - 2014


​Supervisor: Dr. Jeffrey Walters, Department of Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech. Development of landscape and demographic tools for the conservation of red-cockaded woodpeckers on military installations.


Graduate Research Assistant


​Supervisor: Dr. Maile Neel, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland. Bioinformatics approach to studying plants listed under the US Endangered Species Act.


Undergraduate Research Assistant


​Supervisor: Dr. Philip Nyhus, Department of Earth and Environment, Franklin and Marshall College. Habitat suitability models for the Sumatran tiger.


Consultant, Research Fellow, and Intern


Smithsonian Zoological Park and Conservation Biology Institute

Supervisors: Drs. Becky Raboy, Jon Ballou, Peter Leimgruber



       PhD Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland



        MSc Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development, University Maryland



       BA Environmental Science, Franklin and Marshall College; cum laude with honors in the Department of Earth and Environment


Curriculum Vitae


Research Experience

Photo Credits:


Background photo: sand dunes at EB Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge; taken by Sara Zeigler

© 2013 by Sara Zeigler Proudly made by

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