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Zeigler, S and JR Walters. In Press. Population models for social species:  lessons learned from models of red-cockaded woodpeckers (Picoides borealis). Ecological Applications.


Zeigler, S and WF Fagan. 2014. Transient windows of connectivity. Movement Ecology. 2(1): 1-10.


Lacy, RC, PS Miller, PJ Nyhus, JP Pollak, BE Raboy, SL Zeigler. 2013. Metamodels for transdisciplinary analysis of wildlife population dynamics. PLOS ONE. 8(12): e84211.


Zeigler, S, JP Che-Castaldo, MC Neel. 2013. Actual and potential use of population viability analysis in recovery of plant species listed under the US Endangered Species Act. Conservation Biology. 27(6): 1265-1278.


Zeigler, S, B Raboy, and K De Vleeschouwer.  2013-In Press. Assessing extinction risk in small metapopulations of golden-headed lion tamarins (Leontopithecus  chrysomelas) in Bahia, Brazil.  Biotropica. 45(4): 528-534.


Zeigler, S. 2013. Predicting responses to climate change require all life-history stages. Journal of Animal Ecology (invited In Focus article). 82 (1): 3-5.


Zeigler, S. 2012. Identifying and prioritizing forest patches key for the survival of the golden-headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas). Neotropical Primates. 19 (1): 28-33.


Raboy, BE, KM De Vleeschouwer, SL Zeigler. 2012. Using functional connectivity and flow models to prioritize areas for reforestation in severely fragmented regions of the golden-headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas). American Journal of Primatology. 74: 34-34.


Raboy, BE, LG Neves, SL Zeigler, and LC Oliveira. 2011. Occurrences of Leontopithecus chrysomelas above 500 meters in southern Bahia, Brazil and implications for conservation planning. Primate Conservation.  26: 1-7.


De Vleeschouwer, K, L Oliveira, B Raboy, N Raghunathan, and S Zeigler. 2011. Golden-headed lion tamarin research in the 21st century: Recent advances and potential areas of future research. Neotropical Primates. 18 (2): 72-76.


Zeigler, S, MC Neel, L Oliveira, BE Raboy, and WF Fagan. 2011.  How conspecific and heterospecific attraction affect functional connectivity. Biodiversity and Conservation.  20 (12): 2779-2796.


Zeigler, S, WF Fagan, R Defries, and B Raboy.  2010. Identifying important forest patches for the long-term persistence of the endangered golden-headed lion tamarin. Tropical Conservation Science. 3(1): 63-77.


Lynch, H, S Zeigler, L Wells, JD Ballou, and WF Fagan.  2010. Drivers of survivorship shape and its use in the estimation of maximum population growth rates.  Ecological Applications. 20(8): 2334-2345.


Raboy, BL Neves, S Zeigler, N Saraiva, N Cardoso, G Santos, J Ballou, and P Leimgruber. 2010. Strength of habitat and landscape metrics in predicting golden-headed lion tamarin presence or absence in forest patches. Biotropica. 40(3):  388-397.

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Background photo: sand dunes at EB Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge; taken by Sara Zeigler

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